We collaborate with MISA, a leading company in accounting software technology solutions and comprehensive solutions for businesses.

The partnership between UP&Beyond and MISA not only enhances service quality but also helps businesses improve their financial management processes, meet accounting requirements accurately and efficiently, thereby contributing to the sustainable growth of the business.

Advantages of Using UP&Beyond Accounting Services and MISA ASP Accounting Software

UP&Beyond Accounting Services:

1. Professional: Conducted by a team of skilled and experienced accountants.
2. Cost-effective: No need to hire full-time accounting staff.
3. Compliance Assurance: Continuously updated with the latest accounting and tax regulations.
4. Flexible: Services can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the business.
5. Time-saving: Businesses can focus on core operations.
6. Information Security: High commitment to safeguarding clients’ financial data.

MISA ASP Accounting Software:

1. Access Anytime, Anywhere: Cloud-based system accessible remotely.
2. Automatic Updates: Always up-to-date with the latest version without user intervention.
3. Data Security: Professional data backup and security system.
4. Cost-saving: No need to invest in hardware or system maintenance.
5. Diverse Integration: Can integrate with various management software.
6. User-friendly Interface: Easy to use, suitable for a wide range of users.
7. Technical Support: 24/7 technical support from MISA’s expert team.



1. MISA Accounting for Businesses: MISA ASP, MISA AMIS

2. MISA for Individual Business Owners: MISA ASP, MISA AMIS

3. MISA eSign: Digital signatures – Tax – Insurance – Electronic contracts

4. MISA Electronic Invoices: Meinvoice

5. Specialized Software for Fuel Business Enterprises